# Props
# rows
Type: Number
Description: Number of calendar rows to display.
Default: 1
# columns
Type: Number
Description: Number of calendar columns to display.
Default: 1
# step
Type: Number
Description: Number of months to step when navigating forwards and backwards.
Default: 0
Resolves to n if not provided, where n = rows * columns
# title-position
Type: String
Description: Position of the header title ("left"
, "center"
, "right"
Default: "center"
# is-expanded
Type: Boolean
Description: Expands calendar to fill the full width of its container.
Default: false
# nav-visibility
Type: String
Description: Visibility state for calendar navigation panel ("focus"
, "hover"
, "visible"
, "hidden"
Default: undefined
Resolved by defaults if not specified
# transition
Type: String
Description: Transition type for calendar panes when navigating to a new page ("slide-h"
: Horizontal slide, "slide-v"
: Vertical slide, "fade"
, "none"
Default: undefined
Resolved by defaults if not specified
# from-page
Type: Object
Description: The page (month, year) for the first calendar pane located at row 0 and column 0. Use the .sync
modifier for two-way binding.
Default: undefined
Resolves to current month if not provided.
Use the .sync
modifier for two-way binding.
# from-date
Type: Date
Description: Date used to compute from-page
Default: undefined
The .sync
modifier does not work with this prop, unlike from-page
# to-page
Type: Object
Description: The page (month, year) for the last calendar pane located at row n and column n, where n is the max dimension.
Default: undefined
Resolves to n month if not provided, where n = rows * columns
*Resolves to n month if not provided, where n = rows * columns
Use the .sync
modifier for two-way binding.
To avoid erratic navigation behavior, do not try to assign both from-page
and to-page
at the same time (just pick one).
# to-date
Type: Date
Description: Date used to compute to-page
Default: undefined
The .sync
modifier does not work with this prop, unlike to-page
# min-page
Type: Object
Description: Earliest page (month, year) that the user can navigate to.
Default: undefined
# min-date
Type: Date
Description: Date used to compute min-page
Default: undefined
# max-page
Type: Object
Description: Latest page (month, year) that the user can navigate to.
Default: undefined
# max-date
Type: Date
Description: Date used to compute max-page
Default: undefined
# attributes
Type: Array[Object]
Description: List of attributes to display in the calendar.
Default: []
# disabled-dates
Type: Date that can be one of a Javascript date object, a date range object with start
, end
, span
or pattern tokens
Description: Dates that are disabled from user selection or navigation.
Default: null
# available-dates
Type: Date that can be one of a Javascript date object, a date range object with start
, end
, span
or pattern tokens
Description: Dates or date range objects that are available for selection or navigation. All other dates are disabled.
Default Value: undefined
# masks
Type: Object
Description: Masks to use when formatting and parsing dates for various calendar sections.
Default: undefined
Resolved by defaults if not specified
# color
Type: String
Description: Color used for accents and attribute defaults.
Default: "blue"
# is-dark
Type: Boolean
Description: Dark mode setting.
Default: false
# first-day-of-week
Type: Number
Description: Day number for the first day of the week (1: Sun - 7: Sat). Ignore setting this prop if you want to allow the locale to determine this setting.
Default: undefined
Resolved by locale if not specified
# locale
Type: String | Object
Description: The locale identifier or locale configuration to use for displaying the calendar.
Default: undefined
Resolved by defaults or detected locale if not completely specified
# timezone
Type: String
Description: The timezone identifier to use for displaying the calendar. Use this list (opens new window) as a tentative guide of available timezones. Use UTC
for Coordinated Universal Time.
Default: undefined
Resolved by defaults or detected timezone if not completely specified
# show-weeknumbers
Type: Boolean | String
Description: Shows the week number on the left side of the calendar (Boolean) or on a specified side of the calendar (left
, left-outside
, right
, right-outside
Default: undefined
# show-iso-weeknumbers
Type: Boolean | String
Description: Shows the ISO week number on the left side of the calendar (Boolean) or on a specified side of the calendar (left
, left-outside
, right
, right-outside
Default: undefined
# disable-page-swipe
Type: Boolean
Description: Disables swipe detection for navigating forwards and backwards.
Default: undefined
# Events
# update:from-page
Description: Calendar left/single pane moved to a different page.
Params: page
# update:to-page
Description: Calendar right pane moved to a different page.
Params: page
# weeknumberclick
Description: Forwarded from the click
event for the weeknumber content element.
Params:: Week info object.
weeknumber: Number, // Weeknumber clicked
days: [Day], // List of day objects for the weeknumber clicked
event: MouseEvent, // Native event emitted
# dayclick
Description: Forwarded from the click
event for the day content element.
Params: day
# daymouseenter
Description: Forwarded from the mouseenter
event for the day content element.
Params: day
# daymouseleave
Description: Forwarded from the mouseleave
event for the day content element.
Params: day
# dayfocusin
Description: Forwarded from the focusin
event for the day content element.
Params: day
# dayfocusout
Description: Forwarded from the focusout
event for the day content element.
Params: day
# transition-start
Description: Transition to new page has started.
# transition-end
Description: Transition to new page has ended.
# Methods
To call methods on a component, assign a ref and call the method any time on or after the mounted
lifecycle hook.
<v-calendar ref="calendar" />
mounted() {
// Get reference to the calendar component
const calendar = this.$refs.calendar;
// Call method of the component
calendar.showPageRange(new Date());
# move(Number|String|Date|Object)
# Description
Asynchronously navigates by a given number of months, to a given month or to a given date.
async move(arg, opts) => Promise
# Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg | *Number, Date, String or Page Object | Target month criteria |
opts | Object | Set of navigation options |
opts.position | Number | Target month position for multi-row or multi-column configurations. Negative numbers will offset from last position. |
opts.transition | String | Transition type (slide-h , slide-v , fade , none ). Note that this will override the calendar transition prop. |
opts.force | Boolean | Force navigation even if the target months(s) are disabled |
# Returns
A Promise that resolves when the transition to the new set of month(s) is complete or rejects if target month(s) are disabled.
# Move by number of months
Moves a given number of months forwards or backwards.
Calling move(num)
with a positive number will move forwards by a given number of months.
Calling move(num)
with a negative number will move backwards by a given number of months.
<v-calendar ref="calendar">
// Get the calendar ref
const calendar = this.$refs.calendar
// Move forwards 5 months (wait for transition)
await calendar.move(5)
// Move backwards 5 months (wait for transition)
await calendar.move(-5)
# Move to month
Moves to a given month by calling move(month)
with an object with month
and year
// Get the calendar ref
const calendar = this.$refs.calendar
// Moves to January, 1983
await calendar.move({ month: 1, year: 1983 })
# Move to a date
Moves to a specified date.
Calling move(date)
with a Date object will move to that date.
Calling move(date)
with a String will move to the converted date.
// Get the calendar ref
const calendar = this.$refs.calendar
// Moves to today's date
await calendar.move(new Date())
// Moves to my birthday
await calendar.move(`1983-01-21`)
Calling move(date)
will move to the month associated with that date. It will not focus on the date after the transition has occurred. To focus on the date, call focusDate(date)
# focusDate(String|Date)
# Description
Asynchronously navigates to the month for a given date and focuses on that day after transition is complete.
async focusDate(date, opts) => Promise
# Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
date | Date | Target date |
opts | Object | Set of navigation options |
opts.position | Number | Target month position for multi-row or multi-column configurations. Negative numbers will offset from last position. |
opts.transition | String | Transition type (slide-h , slide-v , fade , none ). Note that this will override the calendar transition prop. |
# Returns
A Promise that resolves when the transition is complete or rejects if target month(s) are disabled.
# showPageRange(Date|Object)
Description: Navigates to the calendar page(s) that best displays a given date range.
const date = new Date(2020, 0, 1); // January, 2020
const page = { month: 2, year: 2020 }; // February, 2020
// Pass a date
// Pass a page ({ month, year })
// From a date or page
calendar.showPageRange({ from: date });
// To a date or page
calendar.showPageRange({ to: page });
// From a date or page to a date or page
calendar.showPageRange({ from: date, to: page })
# Scoped Slots
# header
Description: Calendar header. Use slots below for specific header sections.
Props: page
# header-title
Description: Calendar header title. This slot is animated if title-transition
is assigned.
Props: page
# day-content
Description: Calendar day content cell.
Props | Type | Description |
day | Day Object | Day object. |
dayEvents | Object | Events that should get mapped to your custom content DOM element. |
attributes | Array | List of ordered attributes for the day. |
attributesMap | Object | Object map of the attributes using their designated key. |
# day-popover
Description: Custom popover content for attributes.
Props | Type | Description |
day | Day Object | Day object. |
attributes | Array | List of ordered attributes with an assigned popover for the day. |
masks | Object | Resolved locale masks |
format | Function | Call to format a custom date and mask |
dayTitle | String | Pre-formatted string using the dayPopover mask |
updateLayout | Function | Call to forcefully update the popover layout (such as when content changes are made) |
hide | Function | Call to forcefully hide the popover |
# header-left-button
Description: Calendar header button on the left side for moving to the previous page(s).
# header-right-button
Description: Calendar header button on the right side for moving to the next page(s).
# nav-left-button
Description: Calendar navigation header button on the left side for moving to the previous page(s).
# nav-right-button
Description: Calendar navigation header button on the right side for moving to the next page(s).