# Properties

# day

Type: Number

Description: Day number (1 - 31).

# dayFromEnd

Type: Number

Description: Day number from the end of the month (1 - 31).

# weekday

Type: Number

Description: Day weekday number (1:Sun - 7:Sat).

# weekdayOrdinal

Type: Number

Description: Weekday ordinal position from the start of the month (1 - 6).

# weekdayOrdinalFromEnd

Type: Number

Description: Weekday ordinal position from the end of the month (1 - 6).

# week

Type: Number

Description: Week number from the start of the month (1 - 6).

# weekFromEnd

Type: Number

Description: Week number from the end of the month (1 - 6).

# weeknumber

Type: Number

Description: Week number of the year (usually 1 - 52).

# isoWeeknumber

Type: Number

Description: ISO year week number of the year (usually 1 - 52).

# month

Type: Number

Description: Month number (1 - 12).

# year

Type: Number

Description: Year number.

# date

Type: Date

Description: Date for this day.

# dateTime

Type: Number

Description: Result of calling date.getTime() for this day.

# inMonth

Type: Boolean

Description: Day lies in the currently active month.

# inPrevMonth

Type: Boolean

Description: Day lies in the month before the currently active month.

# inNextMonth

Type: Boolean

Description: Day lies in the month after the currently active month.

# attributes

Type: Array

Description: List of attributes for the day involved with the event.

# attributesMap

Type: Object

Description: Object map of the attributes using their designated key.

# event

Type: Object

Description: Original event that triggered the event.